The A-T children’s Project

Our event benefits the A-T Children's Project: a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that was founded in 1993. The founder, Brad Margus, is the father of two children with A-T. The A-TCP partners with academic and industry investigators worldwide – organizing and supporting innovative research, conferences, clinical teams, data platforms, and biomarkers – to optimize disease management strategies, develop new treatments and find a cure for ataxia-telangiectasia.

In a recent update sent out by the ATCP, they reported that they are aggressively pursuing several different treatment options at this time. Mr. Margus also said, “We believe that, over the years, your donations have enabled us to “punch above our weight” as a tiny but passionately driven organization, producing significant results.”

Because A-T is so rare, the majority of research is funded by the grassroots efforts of the family and friends of those affected. Every single donation we receive, regardless of how small, plays a huge role in a better future for kids like Emmy! This work is made possible because of the support YOU give us! THANK YOU!


“ay-TACK-see-uh teh-LAN-jick-TAY-sha”

Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is a rare genetic disease that causes loss of muscle control and balance, cancer, lung disease and immune system problems in children and young adults.